Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stay at home mommy

so its been a week now and I've had 2 meltdowns. I love my son but being with him for 24 hours is driving me bonkers!
I think the fact that im car less just makes it worse. Not like i would go anywhere but just having the option would be nice.
I really hope that chris doesn't crack and get burnt out. The only other way for this to work is for me to find a job that payed like $13 an hour. Yea i dont see that happening.
Hes been wanting to do security so i wont ever make him quit that job.

Jack is finally done with his diarhearra. He has 2 molars and is back to being goofy kid.
Next week we start swimming lessons at the comminutiy center. My mom is paying for him to go. She said she would pay for me to go to the stroller fit classes but i can really see myself getting burnt out really fast and bored. I love my dancing but just havnt felt like it lately.

1 comment:

  1. Being a SAHM is tough. Sometimes there are moments of boredom and other times it's all peaches and cream. Good luck. I would offer to pick you up for play dates but we only have a car and since school is out it is fulll. :(
    Have fun at swim lessons. I did that with Bren and liked it.
